Overall knack is fantastic and meeting our needs - with the exception of one area: Report Options & Chart Types.
I would like to request stacked bar charts (inc. 100% stacked), combo line & bar graphs, donuts.
Overall knack is fantastic and meeting our needs - with the exception of one area: Report Options & Chart Types.
I would like to request stacked bar charts (inc. 100% stacked), combo line & bar graphs, donuts.
Adding my vote for more reporting choices. Minimally, would love to see these:
Agree Steve Brown above. If Knack could become more advanced in the data visualizations area, you could totally eat up the market share that companies like Tableau currently have. Just creating a more robust dashboard feature would be huge - especially for things like stacked bar graphs.
One of the items requested here, Area Charts, has been as a Knack feature! You can read more about Area Charts and choose it as an option when adding a new report view in your Builder.
If supported, our organization can envision knack serving not only as a way for streamlining data input, but also as a reporting and dashboard tool. Unfortunately, the reporting visualizations are just not robust enough for us to leverage it in this way. Hopefully we some improvements in the near future!
Our organization would love to have more dynamic reporting options as well.