Does anyone know if this will cause and issue with embedding Knack apps in the future.
My Chrome browser is popping up with warnings. I just want to make sure.
Does anyone know if this will cause and issue with embedding Knack apps in the future.
My Chrome browser is popping up with warnings. I just want to make sure.
Heres a forum regarding this for other platforms: Reading cookie in cross-site context will be blocked in future Chrome versions · Issue #3703 · ory/hydra · GitHub
Here is one discussing and providing a possible fix: node.js - Reading cookie in cross-site context will be blocked in future Chrome versions - Stack Overflow
I dont believe this will be something huge in handling for Knack, but I am a general lay when it comes to some of this stuff. Just looks like there may be some front end fixes worst case, if it does pose a problem, if. I think knack is prob on this.
Hi @Marc,
Google announced that it would not phase out third-party cookies in Chrome and would introduce new privacy options instead. The company is shifting its approach to focus on providing users with more control over their web browsing privacy while continuing to develop and test its Privacy Sandbox initiative. Google will continue to work on Privacy Sandbox as an alternative to third-party cookies but will not enforce their removal. You should not have any issues with embedding Knack apps.