We’re currently creating an app that’s scoped to “share” data with no fewer than 5 other SaaS apps, none of which are Knack apps. Seamlessly sharing data across multiple Knack apps would be a game changer!!!
Think about system tables like Accounts or User Roles being portable across multiple apps. Same account, same roles, different data and workflow (the only real reason to build separate apps in Knack, right?).
In a world where you use multiple applications in an org, wherever there is similar data, allowing Knack data to be shared across apps allows for easier curation of data and a single-source-of-truth to be established.
Absolutely. Would love a direct mysql integration. We use software with mysql and the other software interface is cumbersome. I’d rather create my own tools for data manipulation.
Knack is perfect for custom mini frontends. I’d prefer to keep data elsewhere actually and use knack for input and custom uses.
I would love to have the ability to share data between apps. We evolved our apps in the last 5 years and spend a lot of time/resources reading and writing between them using APIs…
The dream update will come true in few months. Just yesterday Knack show me a very intuitive Knack mockup to share Tables between Apps, using a Master App.
A game changer.
Did this feature ever come to fruition? Was it expected to be released soon after they demonstrated it to you? I would agree that sharing some data between apps would be useful (user accounts for example), not all data needs to be shared and being able to silo data is still important.
Surprised this feature hasn’t been progressed as it has been over a year and a half since this post was made?
At the last Road Map webinar like 5 months ago, they showed us a beta version which was functioning. I don’t know if it was just a mockup.
Obviously and as always, details and complications emerge while designing and building.
But at this time Knack should be finsihing up this feature and release it for use in Beta Mode.
Didn’t see the age of the original post until after submitting. But I’ll leave it here in case a little extra weight would make this available, since it’s been demonstrated.
This would be a very helpful feature when performing major upgrades to apps.
I see potentially being able to share fields or even objects (preferred) between to apps and being able to change page structure and page functionality using the old data structure for testing. As well as allowing editing and creating data in both versions during the transition. This would help me with a current project. I am refactoring an existing app and slowly twilighting functionality in the old app. This would be much easier if the applications could talk to each other.
It might also be helpful to create small “feeder” apps that allow a person or business group to work in a particular workflow, but still feed data to a larger enterprise app.
All of my experience building Knack Apps is internal corporate apps. And thoughts probably reflect that.
I’m sure there are ideas from the independent app builders as well.
I say, YES, it’s important to me to be able to share data between Knack apps.
I can’t wait for this feature. I’ll keep all the user accounts in a separate app, then keep general tables outside so people can see manage those tables and create, but not touch the staff table.
We’ve since moved all of our feature requests to product.knack.com where you can vote and comment on them. Here is the specific request for sharing data between Knack apps: Share Database tables between APPS