Thanks for the quick reply Carl!
FWIW, I have an online store already working in knack. For context, here it is:Knack
This app is serving 2 purposes. Behind the logins, it is tracking in store orders for our holidays and the public facing side allows for orders to be placed online by our customers. Since the 2 systems are one in the same, the tracking for the online orders is automatically entered with the tracking for the instore orders. I have never used woo commerce, but we do use shopify and I don’t know how it could track the inhouse orders. The current system is working well.
I say all this just to say that I have this knack app working as an online store with a shopping cart. The problem is the UI is lacking luster. It’s just too DB like. It’s more like a system a wholesale phone operator or mobile sales person might use to take orders. Here is what it looks like:
I’ve attempted to setup and online store using the list view, but I cannot figure out how to add an item, from the list view, using action buttons, to the order/cart. At the point in this next screenshot, the order/cart has been created and next step would be to add an item by entering it in the orderitems table.
But the problem is I cannot figure out how to create an action that adds a record to the orderitem table that includes what order the record belongs to. There is a connection field in orderitems that connects the record back to an order.
I can add the item to my orderitems table, but if the order field (connection) is blank, that’s not going to work so well. I’m close, really close. It seems like the list view doesn’t have access to the order associated with the page it is on the same way a form would.
For example, in the current cart, I’m using a form. This allows me to insert a new orderitem associated with the pages order. And since it’s a form, the details of the item are coming from the form.
If someone could figure out the magic of telling my list view action button what order is associated with the page the list view is on, I’d be set. Major thanks to anyone who can figure this out!