Mobile app to launch Knack app

I have a lot of users in the field using my Knack app. Right now, I have them create a shortcut with the URL on their home screen. When I can personally get their phone, it’s easy, but trying to talk some of these tech-challenged people through creating a shortcut has been difficult.
I would like to create an app that just launches a web browser and opens my Knack app. This way, I could just text a user the link to the app store and they can download it.
Has anyone tried something like this before?

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I had a brief look into this myself just the other week.

There is a FAQ page with a suggestion to use Phone Gap or Go Native, but doing some googling I have found a couple of options out there like Convertify etc. Just searched Convert website into app. As to which is a good choice, that is what I also need to research into.

If you find any suggestions would love to hear them.

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I get around this a lot these days by giving the customer/users a QR code to scan which takes them directly to the appropriate page. Really quick and easy and people seem to like it.
Some customers put a large (eg laminated A4) QR code in suitable locations for staff to easily access.
Not sure if that’s applicable to your situation.