Making a quicker filter

Is there any way that you can have a drop-down populated with a particular field - like Clients - and then the display updates accordingly.

So I have a table that shows campaigns. I select the client and the table updates with those campaigns assigned to those clients. I want something dynamic and don’t have the patience to update manually filters each time clients are on the system so this would be helpful if someone knew how.


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I would also like to be able to do this. A quick easy filter from a drop-down list would be great.

@GSH I may not quite understand what you mean, but a simple way is to have the following:

  • A connection to the Customer table in your Accounts table
  • Add a form to ‘update the logged-in user’, which contains that Customer field, with a submit rule that redirects to the same page
  • Add a grid view below which shows ‘campaigns connected to same customer as logged-in user’

This way you have a field which will be preset with the customer you viewed as previously, and it’s a simple matter of updating the Customer field, and waiting for the page to refresh with the updated results in the grid.

The alternative is using some JS which checks for a form field updating and auto-updates the grid, but for the effort to do this, you may as well use the above method or a search view.

Let me know what you think!

Thanks for sharing this, I have parked this code and will test it out, thanks.