Live App Record Import

Knack is great but without this functiinality it is missing a serious trick! It could be so much better…

Indeed, this feature not being available is making me lose business and limiting my ability to get new jobs

Please add this option ASAP, again repetitive data entry is time consuming.

Hi Julian,

Just curious if you started a new blog post about uploading a csv file from the Knack UI. I would be interested in how this works if you did.



I can’t believe it’s been this many years and this functionality still does not exist! My client had me built this robust workflow tool for them only for them to say that they don’t want to use the backend to upload their records and that they thought I could just make it available on the front end :frowning:

This is an important feature and I am sure for many others. How many votes would your require to get this done?

I don’t think there is a threshold for votes on this feature. I have discussed this with our new product manager @Kara on a couple of occasions.

A front end import feature would be extremely useful, as would bulk updates and deletes.

As you may be aware, Knack received venture capital funding from Resurgen last August, and there has been a number of really exciting and positive changes at Knack over the past few months.

They continue to expand the team at an amazing pass so that Knack can move the product forward.

As a partner, its incredibly refreshing and reassuring to have such a close relationship with the Knack team. They are very engaging and involving.

I’m sure they are aware of some of these requests and are prioritising them.

I’m confident we will hear more soon. :crossed_fingers: