Hey @Mark7, the only way you’ll be able to achieve this is by JavaScript. Knack’s native field display rules are good for showing things a user ‘is’ connected to, but not for showing ‘is not’.
A Locations table with a list of locations (e.g. Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Italy).
A Location Requests table with a connection field to the Accounts table and the Locations table (field_ZZ)
An Accounts table with a connection field (field_YY) to the Locations table (should be many to many relationship)
A form (view_XX) that adds a new Location Request record connected to the logged-in Account (should be a login-protected page)
This script will run on a ‘request location’ form (view_XX), will check the Location field in your Account table (field_YY), and compare it to the connection field (field_ZZ) on the form. Make sure you replace view_XX, field_YY and field_ZZ with the appropriate view/field keys.
$(document).on('knack-view-render.view_XX', function(event, view, record) {
var userLocations = Knack.getUserAttributes().values.field_YY;
var connectionField = "field_ZZ";
$(`#kn-input-${connectionField} select option`).each(function() {
var $option = $(this);
var optionValue = $option.val();
if (userLocations.includes(optionValue)) {
$option.remove(); // Remove options the user is already a part of
$(`#kn-input-${connectionField} select`).trigger("liszt:updated")
Because a connection field on a form stores both the record ID and record display name in two separate <select> and <ul> elements, this code loops all of the <option> tags to find and remove the selections in the <select> and then runs an event handler to update the <li> sub-elements in the <ul>.
The desired behaviour can be seen in the GIF below:
I apologise, I only just properly read your listed tables.
It would be a bit more difficult to loop through the list of the Location - User link table versus what I showed with a many-to-many connection field stored under the Account, but if the above solution still works with the below workflow, then it might still be a winner:
User requests location via a Add location request form