Import Table Structure


I have several similar apps, each one is running for a different customers.
I have made a dev on the initial one, I now need to recreate this modification in each apps.

For the table creation phase (definition of each field), is there a clever way to import a file in order to have a preconfigured table ? and not to have to create each field manually ?


Hi, Francois!

Thanks for sharing your question!

While importing a file into your table, if there are any fields in your file that cannot be matched to an existing field in Knack, you have the option to choose the appropriate field type for that column in the file. By selecting this option, a new field will be created in your table and populated with the data from your file.

Knack will pre-select the field type for you, however, you have the option to select a different field type as seen in the image below.

(See the section on the left labeled “Use columns to add new fields”.)

You can learn more here in our Importing records article.

I hope this info helps! Nevertheless, if it doesn’t align with the specifics you were seeking, please feel free to contact our support team. It’s possible that your desired feature may not be currently supported in Knack, but we’re always eager to hear your suggestions for enhancing our product in the future, particularly regarding the import process.

Happy Knacking!

Hello Les

Thnks you for that.
This technique allows certain fields to be matched, but more advanced configuration is not taken into account (validation rules for example).
My question was about a ‘complete import’, without having to rebuild the entire structure by hand.
This could be a useful tool!
Thanks for the answer
Have a nice day!