Here’s a problem I have not come across.
Here’s an example:
I have an object, “hairbrush”, attached to two companies, “hairstraight” and “kindahairy”. So it’s a many to many rule.
The companies associated with the hairbrush may have different names.
Here is an example of my table: brushes & manufacturers
Column 1 Column 2
kindahairy hairbush
Now I have field that basically gets checked when column 2 gets used by another process. When it gets used there is a flag on the record that means that the object no longer appears in the grid.
This is how it was working before.
Column 1 Column 2
kindahairy hairbush
That was until I realized, that it would be cool to attached two companies to an object. So I changed the relationship to many and could select multiple companies for each object.
The problem is as follows.
I currently have a rule setup in a form that said "if the haribrush was used, mark the word in the table “used”.
What I want to be able to do is have a rule that says:
Is there a way I can tell knack to only mark the record as used when both companies have been marked.
So for example what would actually happen in the grid is that it would show the remaining company associated with the hairbrush.
So from this:
Column 1 Column 2
kindahairy hairbush
assuming that hairstrait was selected the grid would show:
Column 1 Column 2
kindahairy hairbush
I can find a workaround to this, so it’s not really a major problem, but I did want to ask anyway.