Display results by Country

Hi - We have a database of financial relief options available to small businesses and nonprofits who are struggling to remain viable.  Each record in our db represents a particular resource and every resource has some geographic limitation to it:

  1. Some are available to any org across the globe
  2. Some are available only to orgs on a particular continent
  3. Some are available only to orgs in particular countries
  4. Some are available only to orgs in particular states/provinces

Use case 1:  We want our users to be able to select the country they're based in and see: all records in category 1, and relevant records in categories 2 and 3.  Example:  user indicates they are in South Africa, and should see resources available globally, resources available African orgs, and resources available only to orgs in South Africa.

Use case 2: Same as 1, but includes states and provinces for users in the US and Canada.  So, a user indicates they are in the United States and then select Colorado as their state.  This user should see resources available globally, in North America, to US based orgs, and to orgs in Colorado.

Question:  Currently, all our data sits in one object.  My question is do I need to break things down into multiple objects (one for globally available, one for continent available, one for country available, and one for state/province?
