Display Parent/Child data on one page?

I haven't found a way to do this, so hoping I've missed something... 

I have an object Law Offices, with a child object Lawyers. 

I would like to display on a page, records with the law office name, and underneath it each lawyers information.  

Law Office A

  • Lawyer A name, Lawyer A Date etc
  • Lawyer B name, Lawyer B Date etc

Law Office B

  • Lawyer A name, Lawyer A Date etc
  • Lawyer B name, Lawyer B Date etc

I'd also like the ability to filter the data based on the law office fields, if possible.. 

Any suggestions on approach? 

Hello Julian,


If i undeestand it properly then i think you need to display a child table and Group by it's parent Table field .


Like Group by Law Office field .. 



Sunny Singla



I'm really interested in this solution if there is one also. As I'd like to display child records as a sub table on the same page.