I have an app that's become quite big and with a lot of objects and fields. The interface also has a lot of pages, forms, etc etc.
This was the app I started learning Knack with, and so a consequence of that is that it's not very "clean". Thats why I want to clean it up by deleting fields that are not in use any more.
Previous experiences with deleting fields have resulted in unpleasant results. Spesifically, if a form's records rules contains the field that is deleted, it seems to not delete the record rule, but change the deleted field to a random field in the object.
So now I am afraid to "clean up" my app (deleting fields I'm not going to use any more), in case they are still in use in a form's record rules.
Can anyone confirm if this is still an issue? And if it is, maybe there is some way to circumvent this?