Data Model

I can see a lot of work has gone into something that could become a great feature.

No IT project is a project if the database cannot be printed on the wall in your JAD room.

The problem is when you have many tables. (I like to create tables for all reference data. That way users can make changes.)

I would suggest the following very useful improvements:

  1. Print the model to PDF, so we can get it up on the wall in the JAD room and talk about it. Ensure you put the Knack logo on the printout :laughing:
  2. Once you move tables around and are happy with the layout and where each table sits, it has to keep its settings. I would allow users to save and lock in or EDIT if they want to move tables around again.

Hi @Marc,

Thanks for sharing your request! I will share this with our product team for further consideration.

As far as the layout in the Data Model keeping its settings for your second suggestion, there is the option to “Save Layout” towards the top right corner:

Please let me know if I’m misunderstanding your second suggestion. :slight_smile:

Happy Friday! :tada: