Custom-designed landing pages in your Knack app (low-code, dynamic data)

Knack is great for making functional data-heavy pages really fast, but it has limited options for creating beautifully designed pages.

In this tutorial I show a solution for creating beautiful, custom pages in your Knack app without writing a lot of code.

To do this, we use the free plan of another low-code tool called Plasmic to create a custom-designed page (similar to webflow interface) and then integrate this into a Knack app.

The custom-designed page can even show dynamic data from your Knack database.

The possibilities of an approach like this are huge, including custom reporting dashboards, custom public-facing directories or anything else you can think of.

I’m curious to hear if anyone tries it, and what possibilities you see. Share below!


This is great. Did you have a video that includes using this with logged in users?

Hi Amaan,

Thanks. I don’t have a video yet, but keep an eye on my youtube - I plan on making one that shows how to do that at some point soon