Hi @Naim,
I know this post is a bit old, but the topic is still very actual.
I’ve just finished implementing 1D barcode support as a complement to QR Codes in the KTL.
See this post for details: https://forums.knack.com/t/barcode-scanner-integration-and-auto-click-submit/16078
Here are the features:
Supports these formats:
- CODE128
- CODE39
- ITF-14
- Pharmacode
- Codabar
Comes from here: https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode
It will parse the code, extract the data and populate the fields, including dropdown connections.
You can specify the field source, code size and auto-submit the form with an optional delay.
Try it here: https://ctrnd.knack.com/ktl-tutorials#ktl-demo-page/barcodes/barcode-reading-automation/
Currently, only fixed length barcodes are supported, but I will soon implement variable-length data with user-specified separators.
Have fun!