Column Sum on a pivot table

I know that they released a feature where this sounds like its possible natively. However I am looking for a way to get the columns to sum just straight across. Knack said this could be done with code. Can anyone help me understand where to start with this or how to accomplish this. You'd be a life saver. 

Hello Ben,


On View Render just calculate sum of each column  row by row and place sum at last column .



Sunny Singla


I am not really looking for professional help, just some guidance? Im willing to work this out myself if anyone had any direction. 



Hello Ben,


I think this can be done using Custom jQuery . If you want professional help the mail me 



Sunny Singla


I am trying to total the colums in the picture below. As you see sum only shows the first column. This is using the build i sum feature, and its its now working. I just want a way to sum all columns like shows below. Does this make more sense? 


Hello Ben,


Can you explain what you exactly want. 

I create a many Pivot table in Knack using custom feature or some with jQuery.



Sunny Singla
