To clear the field when a form is submitted, you’ll want to use your form’s record rules. This should still work even if your paragraph text field is required.
1. In the builder, navigate to your Edit Form’s Rules
2. Choose your field and set a custom value to blank text
Now when a user submits the edit form, the value for your paragraph field will get cleared.
Thanks for the suggestion. However what I’m looking for is a way to cleat the field before the form is submitted. As the field is required, this will force the user to update it.
I’ve also tried doing this using Javascript with no success - see here
So that’s the way to do it for a text field. It works fine and very useful.
$(document).on(‘knack-view-render.view_2232’, function(event, view, data) {
@Taylor_KnackPlugins , how to adapt it for UNchecking ckeckboxs (multiple choice) after submiting the form?