Check if the logged-in user matches a value within a field

I am working on notifications.

“In order to get the most out of your Knack app, you need to keep your users engaged and informed. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure they are notified of the right information at the right time. There are two ways that you can notify your users: using emails and in-app notifications. “

You show a similar example I need here:

I need the notification message to work with a Deadline. But also to show the message ONLY WHEN the logged-in user matches a value within a field.

It would be unaceptable receiving irrelevant messages.

In the page Rules, “When”, I don’t see any “is the Login user ...”, as it does exist in Table, Data Source, Data : Add rules to filter records.

In order to get the most out of the App, I need to keep my users engaged and informed, and so a way to check if the logged-in user matches a value within a field is ESENTIAL.

Thank you guys,


I received an answer about that.

It can be classified as solved.