Capture email activity in a table that can optionally be connected to one or more tables in the app

As an App Administrator, I want to capture email activity in a table so that I can determine if my Knack-generated emails have been sent successfully. This will also allow me to maintain an activity thread related to the email recipient(s).

Thank you for considering this enhancement.

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing this request! I will be sharing this with our Product team for consideration.

Happy building!

Hey @Les - hope you’re doing ok :blush:

This is an interesting request as email history is obviously only available in the builder under the specific email rule.

It would be very useful if it was to exposed in the live app for the reason stated. :rocket:

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Thanks for the additional context, Carl! Hope you’re doing well too :slight_smile:

We agree 100% that this would be very helpful. Fingers crossed that we can make it happen! :crossed_fingers:

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