Can't programmatically select an entry in a drop down with more than 500 entries

I am using a barcode scanner in a drop down connected field that has over 1000 entries.

I need to be able to auto-select the code without human intervention (tab, enter, arrows, etc).

There is no problem when the drop down has less than 500 entries but above that, it turns into a searchable drop down and behaves very differently and refuses to select the found item. I want the list to close while keeping its selection. But calling trigger("liszt:updated") always erases the selection. If I don't use the call, then I end up with an opened list and the operator needs to manually select the found item to close the list.

To troubleshoot this, I've created a tiny app that demonstrates that.

You can see it here:

Login is, and pw = 123

Here's my Javascript code:

function (event, scene) {

//****** Login: un =, pw = 123

//Small Drop down, with 40 items - works ok.
$("#view_36-field_71").val("5d65980eed26072f431c7d8b"); //1029

//Large Drop down, with 999 items - can't set value.
$("#view_36-field_69").val("5d6595f8c4cf503a51d974b7"); //1424

// !!!! Trying just about anything to see that drop down show me something upon a page render !!!!!!!!
var myinput = $('#view_36_field_69_chzn').find('input').first();
var curclass = myinput.attr('class');
console.log('class = ' + curclass); //class = ui-autocomplete-input

//Ok, this works! I can search what I want.
myinput.autocomplete("search", "1424");

//Now, I need to be able to auto-select the result without any human intervention, i.e. mouse or keyboard action.
setTimeout(function () {
$("#view_36-field_69").selectedIndex = 0;
$("#view_36-field_69").trigger('liszt:updated'); //Why does this line always closes but without selection ??!!!
}, 2000); //Just a dummy timer to wait for search to find.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for sharing your hard work. I really appreciate it Norm.


Remember, you can see it in action here:

Login is, and pw = 123

Hi Chris,

Yes, I wrote some code to address the issue. I works really well.

Also, it uses Javascript promises to speed up the search and return as soon as possible when it found something. Before, I used a blind delay of 2 seconds, but this is not optimal because it needs to be adapted when the list eventually grows bigger. This always work regardless of size.

Here, I will share it with you.

function (event, scene) {
//Two seconds after loading the scene, search for 1424 in the single selection dropdown.
var textToSearch = '1424';
//var textToSearch = '9999'; //Use this to see what happens when a search fails.
var dropDownFieldId = 'field_69'; //Single
setTimeout(function () {
searchDropDownforText(textToSearch, dropDownFieldId);

//Then two seconds later, search for 1425 in the multi selection dropdown.
setTimeout(function () {
textToSearch = '1425';
//var textToSearch = '9999'; //Use this to see what happens when a search fails.
dropDownFieldId = 'field_77'; //Multi
searchDropDownforText(textToSearch, dropDownFieldId);
}, 2000)
}, 2000)

function searchDropDownforText(textToSearch, dropDownFieldId) {
var currentFormView = $('').attr('id');;
console.log('currentFormView = ' + currentFormView);

var dropDownFieldSel = $('#' + currentFormView + '-' + dropDownFieldId);

var dropdownChznSel = $('#' + currentFormView + '_' + dropDownFieldId + '_chzn');

if (dropdownChznSel && dropdownChznSel.length > 0)
dropDownSearchField = dropdownChznSel.find('input').first();

if (dropDownFieldSel && dropDownFieldSel.length > 0 && textToSearch !== '') {
dropDownSearchField.focus(); //Send requested text to dropdown search box.
dropDownSearchField.autocomplete("search", textToSearch);


//Check if single of multi selection dropdown
if (dropdownChznSel.hasClass('chzn-container-single')) {
searchSingleSelectionDropdown(dropDownFieldSel, dropdownChznSel).then(function (foundText) {
if (foundText === textToSearch) {
console.log('Found :)');
else {
console.log('Not Found :(');
//Erase previous drop down selection to prevent erroneously submitting a previous selection.
dropDownSearchField.autocomplete("search", '');

} else {
searchMultiSelectionDropdown(currentFormView + '-' + dropDownFieldId, dropdownChznSel, textToSearch);

} else {
console.log('ERROR - currentField is null');

function searchSingleSelectionDropdown(currentField, dropdownChznSel) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
//Check every 100ms until found.
var intervalId = setInterval(function () {
if (!$(".ui-autocomplete-loading").is(":visible")) {

var obj = currentField.find("option");
var id = $(obj[1]).val();
currentField.val(id);// = 1;

var querySel = '#' + dropdownChznSel.attr('id') + ' > a > span';
if ($(querySel) && $(querySel).length !== 0) {
var foundText = document.querySelector(querySel).innerText;
console.log('foundText = ' + foundText);
}, 100)

function searchMultiSelectionDropdown(multiDropdownId, dropdownChznSel, textToSearch) {
var intervalId = setInterval(function () {
if (!$(".ui-autocomplete-loading").is(":visible")) {

var obj1 = $("#" + multiDropdownId).find("option");
var id = $(obj1[0]).val();
$("#" + multiDropdownId + " option[value='" + id + "']").attr("selected", 1);
$("#" + multiDropdownId).trigger('liszt:updated');

var querySel = '#' + dropdownChznSel.attr('id') + '_c_0 > span';
if ($(querySel) && $(querySel).length !== 0) {
var foundText = document.querySelector(querySel).innerText;
console.log('foundText = ' + foundText);

if (foundText === textToSearch) {
console.log('Found :)');

console.log('Not Found :(');
}, 100);

Cortex R&D Inc.


I am battling the exact same problem. Don't know if you found a solution yet, but if I figure it out I will be sure to update this question.
