How do I auto Populate a field. For example is I tag a customer I want it to populate the address field.
9212997488 Crum Hi Mark. If i understood you correctly, you should try this code:
$(document).on('knack-view-render.view_XX', function(event, view) {
var customer = document.querySelector(""); // view_XX is your Form view. field_YY is your connection (Customer) field
function get_address(id, callback){
let headers = {'X-Knack-Application-Id': 'Your Application ID', 'X-Knack-REST-API-Key': 'knack', 'Authorization': Knack.getUserToken()};
let api_url = '' + id; // This should point to a table view in your app where at least the one of the columns is for field_YY and the view should 'technically' be available to the logged-in user
url: api_url,
type: 'GET',
headers: headers,
success: function(response) {
function put_address(data){
if(data.field_ZZ !== "" && data.field_ZZ !== undefined){ // field_ZZ is your Address field from the Customer record
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #street").value = data.field_ZZ_raw.street; // field_WW is the Address field in your Order form
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #street2").value = data.field_ZZ_raw.street2;
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #city").value =;
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #state").value = data.field_ZZ_raw.state;
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #zip").value =;
} else {
alert("No address found! ");
console.error("No address found! ");
function clear_address(){
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #street").value = "";
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #street2").value = "";
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #city").value = "";
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #state").value = "";
document.querySelector("#kn-input-field_WW #zip").value = "";
$("").on('change', () => {
if(customer.value === "" || customer.value === undefined){
console.log("No Customer selected!");
} else {
get_address(customer.value, put_address);
I am not sure why? Here is what I want to do! Photos are inserted
Hi Mark - default field values not enough?
I think you might have more complex requirements that needs further explanation?