Archive, Restore and Soft Delete

This short tutorial is not aimed at our expert builders but for those that may be starting their journey with Knack. When I started building in 2017 what seems obvious now was a mystery . I hope this helps someone setup a process for archiving or soft deleting records so that you don’t have to always give end users the “hard” delete option: Archive, Restore and Soft Delete - YouTube


This is a great video demonstrating key functionality. All types of apps can benefit from having a soft delete or archive option to empower both their live app users and back end data administrators. Thanks for sharing, Carl!

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Hey thanks for the very informative video, however I was wondering if was possible to do an archive for one particular user where all the other users could still view the record ?

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Obviously not sure what your specific use case. The method I described simply changes the value from yes to no and you are filtering based on that field. In this situation you can’t base it on a particular user.
How I’d get round this is to have two views on the same page. For example, if you have a table of customer details, copy it so you have an exact duplicate below. Amended the new tables data source and add a filter to only show active records.
Then on the page, add a page rule that hides / shows the new table based on a user role.
Send me a DM if you’d like to connect to explore.

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