Allowing the "OR" condition when defining the WHEN of a Form Rule

Currently the WHEN criteria in a Form Rule assumes AND logic. The problem is I need OR logic as well. Any chance this could be added in the future?

For example, I am creating a filter on a page of many records. I have a field called Filter # that I assign a value to (1 through 6). 1 = any name starting with A, B, C or D and 2 = any letter starting with E,F,G or H.

This would allow me to have a Filter Menu that has 6 filters (A-D), (E-H), (I-L), (M-P), (Q-T),(U-Z)

Then on the filter, I can say, if (A-D) is clicked, show anyone with a Filter # of 1.

Without the OR feature, I have to create a rule for every letter of the alphabet. With the OR feature, I only need 6.

I am sure there are others who would like the OR logic as well.

This would save so much time!

Yes, this will help us in many ways

This has to be added it is very annoying have to do multiple record rules when 1 OR record rule will suffice

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