Advanced dashboard rendering show and tell

I am building a business health dashboard. There are 100 questions, and these are aggregated into categories of health. Ultimately we add and/or average these values to report health and progress. So each question belongs to a category, and category’ belong to a questionnaire. We use count and average equations to sum up the activity. We are counting ‘Not Started’ ie 0, or C’ompleted’ ie 100. Anything >0 and <100 is Work In Progress. After some YT inspiration and Chat GPT work we came up with this. We are pretty happy with it! Some sensitive information is privatised here. Happy to share more if anyone is interested.


Hi @David22 - I’m guessing I was your YouTube inspiration and that you’re David White, who I connected with on LinkedIn today :wink:

Welcome to the forum :rocket:

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Thanks, Nice to be connected. If anyone wants the code for this, just give me a shout.

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Hi David

Would you please be kind enough to share your code as I was never able to get the code supplied by Julian Kirkness working properly in our case?


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Hi, can you share this code?