DashBoard Data with Icons

Has anyone created a DASHBOARD similar to this example? If not would someone be willing to develop something similar for a reasonable fee? 




How can I achieve this? It isn't really clear to me. Hope someone can help me. Thanks.

Yes sure all you need to do is the follow

First you will need to make sure they have a margin and float left

.kn-content #view_**** section.columns {

margin: 10px;

then change the size of each column from max width

.kn-content #view_**** .kn-details-column{
height: 255px;
min-width: 370px;
max-width: 200%;


Ping me a email if you need more help 


Hi Jonathan,


Could you share your code to see how you accomplished this?





Hello Jonathan ,


I just not follow what he said . I see the requirements . 

May be you are good in CSS.

No Problem. 



Sunny Singla

Hi Sunny,

I think as I read the request that it only needs css as the request only refers to the styling and does not mention any custom filtering. In the example there it shows a count for what I can see on each card style a single record for seperate objects.

If you create seperate details sections in the page buider and then custom wrap the columns by percentage then the count for seperate objects can be added to each in the builder.

Perhaps we can learn something off eachother

Hi Jonathan ,

Yes Right It required Both as i ask initially.   

But knack has some limitation to show data up to 2 or 3 level. 

But it's up to you if you face that then you will agree . 

JavaScript is a Programming Language. Knack also use lot's of JavaScript.


I understand it's not good for visual change but for data it required defiantly as per my thinking .



Sunny Singla  

Hi Sunny, 

Agreed!! javascript can only be used when all resourses in function form knack have been explored. Adding further filters for the data count or equasion might be needed and therefore javascript added. However this seems to me to be more about the visual change rather than the any custom filtering for records maybe it's both.

For any visual changes like a bootstrap layout I still don't think javascript is the best way.



JavaScript is use where Knack fail to provide data . 

Hello Jonathan ,


Yes defiantly i use but in this type of card we need some javascript functionality to get that field. 

But everything is not connected sometime .   Like New Comments , New Tasks , New Orders etc . 



Sunny Singla 

Hi sunny, cant you use the equation or count feilds to show the number of records.

Its just my opinion but using to much javascript for features that exist might not be effciant.

As for the icons these can be added via css many different ways

Hmm Great but i think only using CSS everything is not possible, but if someone can do then Great .

There are numbers in Icons which is fetch using JavaScript .


Sunny Singla




Hi I did exactly this and the results was great. Id recommend only using css for this if im honest as javascript for visual stuff like this doesnt work well as it loads after the page is renderd. Even used pecentages to resize and float left the cards.

Drop me a email at jonathan.mart.parsons@gmail.com

Hello Admin,


You can contact me i have done this type of designing in knack using custom css and javascript .



Sunny Singla

