Adding data for one-to-many connection fields with Make

I have a table containing group counseling sessions for my company’s inpatient residents. This table contains a connection field called “Residents”–those who attended the group session–which has a one-to-many relationship with the table containing those residents.

I am trying to update a group session through Make to add multiple residents to that field, but I can’t figure out how. I have the array containing each resident’s UUID, but trying to map that array directly to the “Residents” fields gives me an error, saying the array can’t be converted to text.

Otherwise, all of what I’ve tried with text transformers has only led to the first UUID being entered.

What is the correct way to do this? Maybe loop over the UUID’s and put them all into a string variable module to send over? Thank you!

Hi Wes,

you need to set the values as a comma separated array (I use a text aggregator for that):

Then the split function to set the IDs.

Hope that helps!


Thank you. Sorry for the late reply. I eventually figured out that it could be accomplished using the Table Aggregator with the default settings as well.