It would be good to be able to add custom classes to fields so you could then do things using custom js/css.
An example could be set a bunch of fields that are not used that much to a certain class and then using js/css load them in an accordion or a show/hide slide panel as requested here:
is this a thing yet?
scared by the javascript business but customisation of css selectors would be good.
1) being able to define your own IDs and tags in the builder.
2) there may be some time-saving benefit in at least displaying the existing css selectors/tags/id an element will have in the frontend - to avoid Inspect Element routine
I do this heavily within a wordpress site. The theme has it built in to allow me to add a css class or id to the theme drag-n-drop elements on their page builder that I can then target easily with css. Would be awesome if it were an option. I do see the argument that is fundamental to knack development of simplicity however.
The above concept certainly works, but if I have a universal class across a ton of places, this gets very hard to manage.
You can still do it. For eg:
var td = $(this).text();
if(td == "Demand"){
else if(td == "Supply"){
$tablebodyrow = $('#kn-report-view_258-1 table tbody tr');
Works well for me.