Working with Fiscal Year dates and counting attendance

Hello! Knack Newbie here. Coming over from Airtable with hobbyist-level DB experience.

Our Org runs on a Fiscal Year, July thru May, not calendar year. We track meeting attendance and each of our members are required to get a minimum of 6 Meeting Credits during our “year.” If they have < 6 they go on probation.

In airtable we accomplished this by creating a Fiscal Year table, defining the Start and End date of each year (past and 10 years into the future), and coding a “Current Year Flag.”

    DATESTR(NOW())>={Start Date},
  DATESTR(NOW())<={End Date}
  "Current Year",
   IF((YEAR({End Date}))=((YEAR(NOW()))-1), "Last Year"))


Then, as we record Attendance, we LOOKUP the Meeting Date and set the Current Year Flag if the date falls within the current fiscal year.


To view a Member’s Current Meeting Count, we’d pull the Attendance Record and filter by “Current Year”


I’m struggling to replicate this functionality in our new Knack DB. Any ideas?
Thx in advance!

See if this video by Carl Holmes helps you.

This is the link to a previous post. Not sure it will help but may provide some additional inspiration.