Hello! Knack Newbie here. Coming over from Airtable with hobbyist-level DB experience.
Our Org runs on a Fiscal Year, July thru May, not calendar year. We track meeting attendance and each of our members are required to get a minimum of 6 Meeting Credits during our “year.” If they have < 6 they go on probation.
In airtable we accomplished this by creating a Fiscal Year table, defining the Start and End date of each year (past and 10 years into the future), and coding a “Current Year Flag.”
DATESTR(NOW())>={Start Date},
DATESTR(NOW())<={End Date}
"Current Year",
IF((YEAR({End Date}))=((YEAR(NOW()))-1), "Last Year"))
Then, as we record Attendance, we LOOKUP the Meeting Date and set the Current Year Flag if the date falls within the current fiscal year.
To view a Member’s Current Meeting Count, we’d pull the Attendance Record and filter by “Current Year”
I’m struggling to replicate this functionality in our new Knack DB. Any ideas?
Thx in advance!