What is the correct API URL filter parameter syntax?

I have tried these variations, but always get all records:

filters=[{"field":"{fieldName}","operator":"is blank"}]

filters={"match":"and","rules":[{"field":"{fieldName}","operator":"is blank"]}

where {fieldName} matches the field in this URL parameter, which, which works correctly when loaded manually in a browser:

builder_table_filters={"match":"and","rules":[{"field":"{fieldName}","operator":"is blank","value":"","field_name":"{fieldLabel}"}]}

FYI, I am encoding the query parameters via URLEncoder.encode(filters, "UTF-8").

Thanks in advance for any/all help/advice!



Not sure exactly but to work it out try this:

  1. Set the filter you want in your builder on the desired object.
  2. Copy the subsequent URL and decode it - you might already be using this one: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/

That should reveal the right syntax for you.

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