Want to set a minimum height in Modal view

Kinda new, but in a week ready to push my firs tool out.

I have a view in Modal view that has a lot of questions. However, I do not want to freak out a new user by showing this entire list at once. Therefore, there are many Display Rules that review more questions as one is answered.

The first question uses a drop down. This first image shows how it looks before the drop down is clicked on to select an option

Looks fine

Now the drop down is selected and it is off the screen and only reveals the first option as shown here

And here is an image after scrolling down to reveal the entire list

This View expands properly after this first field is selected.

Shown here

I have tried Radio Buttons, but it does not trigger the Display Rule to reveal the next set of fields.

Is there a way to set the minimum height of the modal view?

Hi All,

How do I set one particular modal to be a certain width without affecting all the others?

For all modals I use:

.div.kn-modal.default {width:1140px;margin-left: -43%;}

Another issues is that I have to set the margin manually and negative to make it centered.

Thank you.


You must use CSS and define a min height or a fixed height.

For that You can use the class .kn-modal (then it will make all modal the same min-height or fixed height) or do it on a case by case using #page_id

/* set min height of all kn-modal accross your app*/
.kn-modal { min-height : 800px}

/* set fixed height of all kn-modal accross your app*/
.kn-modal { height : 800px}

/* set min height of all defined page of your app*/
#page_id { min-height : 800px}

/* set fixed height of all defined page of your app*/
#page_id { min-height : 800px}

By setting fixed height you will probably need to play with the overflow property.