View unlimited email delivery history

Original request for unlimited email history, but lots of other requests for making email history more user friendly.

Currently you can only view the last 25 email delivery histories, which isn't really that useful. Can we please add the option to view an unlimited amount of email delivery history, or at least the last 6 months worth?

Other requests include:

  • Live App accessible
  • Consolidated (all forms showing up in one place)
  • Searchable / with filters
  • Include Action Links email history

Totally agree - as it is now it is of next to no use.  What is the point of the current functionality if it can only view a very few records...

I also need this feature due to having a task that emails a significant number of recipients that I need to track if they have received it.  

I guess this feature is still not available as the email history is still only 25 items