Setting Form Field Values

Hi there,

I need to conditionally set the default value on a form.  I can see that you can set it to a fixed value in the 'Field Options' section, but I need to set it to a conditional value according to what is selected:

I need to set the Dose according to the Product Group of the selected Product

When I've needed to do something like this, Ive had an initial Add record view into which I enter, say, the product and this view's record rules assigns the values required from the Product table (dose etc) to the fields I want.

I then have a submit rule which redirects to a new child page and you edit the rest of the record in there (including the fields which were populated if relevant).

I am in a similar position. I want to pre-populate a form with the user's name and contact information when they are logged in, but do not see a way to currently do so.


This is exactly that I would like to achieve as well and have been looking for to solve for a long time now. I think Knack has no option to change default value of field via form, so that value can be passed on to another form submission to work by conditional rule according to a selection.