Step 3 - Now you are good to go with JavaScript, all you need is embed this html code in any view of your app. Most of the time knack don't allow you to use <div> tag in rich text field. So you can use <span> or <p> tags also make sure you give the right id.
<div id="google_translate_element"></div> or
<span id="google_translate_element"></span> or
<p id="google_translate_element"></p>
Optional - If you want to have all pages to have a language select button you can change ID of any permanent element of the app Like I replaced .kn-current-user-intro text (i.e. "logged in as") with the google translate HTML code above. So now a language select drop-down is on every page right next to settings and other user pages. I did that with this JavaScript Code
$(document).on('knack-page-render.any', function(event, page) { $(".kn-current-user-intro").text('')//to replace text to blank//;$(".kn-current-user-intro").attr('id','google_translate_element');//to assign element id google_translate_element// });
Screen Shot
Hope this helps. Feel free to comment. I am still testing this may be it can be improved. My JavaScript is not so good.
If you are familiar with JavaScript or jQuery, or have access to a developer, this may be something you could develop into Knack on your own. You can add your own custom code by hovering over Settings in the Builder (the gear icon) and selecting API & Code. Your JavaScript code can be added into the Javascript tab (reference attached picture).