Rich Text Field Default Value

Is there a way to make the rich text field default value actual rich text? It seems strange that the default value would not be the same format.

I use an online HTML editor, there are plenty available for free ( Create your text with the WYSIWYG editor then view the HTML code. Paste the HTML into the default value on your Rich Text field. You can use HTML almost anywhere in Knack. It’s great for adding coloured titles.

Add this to a title field, adjust the color hex code, font size and text to suite.

<p style="color:#CF2474; font-size: 20px;">This text is coloured and 20px.</p>


Great Submission!

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Hello @CarlHolmes

Thank you for your post.

I would like to use the default value functionality when the form is UPDATE record and not NEW.
In my app, I want to send an email containing specific data from the record (by adding an edit link on each line, the modal containing a Update form, email sending being triggered when the submit form button is hit).
I would like to predefine the recipient email address, BUT to let the user change it if needed before sending the email (when submitting the form).

Do you know if there is something doable with the default value setting ? (I currently have a blank field in the update record form).
And “basic” conditional rule will erase the modified value before the email is sent…


Hi @Francois - You’ve caught me at the end of a long day and my brain is a bit frazzled from four back-to-back Zoom meetings with different clients :slightly_smiling_face: - I don’t think you could use the default field to achive what you’re looking to do as this can’t be dynamic. Its liley it can be done with a record rule though. Drop me a DM as I may be able to find time to connect with you over the next couple of days. Let me know your timezone if you want to meet.

hi Carl

I made it :
*set up a short text, with a default text (here an email address)
*set up a email field with a conditional rule (equals to the short text value)
*add the short text in the form, so user can modify default email before submitting the form (and sending the email)

Thanks for your support, have a nice weekend

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