Printing issue when embedded in website

When i print from the app viewer a page requires 3 pages.

With the app embedded on a page on my website, the same action tries to generate over 30,000 pages.

Any ideas why this might be?

Images below

Not come across this one before :man_shrugging:
Recommend raising a support ticket :tickets:

i will, thanks,

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just checked it to include the url in the ticket - all seems to be resolved ,strange

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That’s extremely strange. Generally if you run across something like this, go ahead and fire off a support ticket even if you are going to ask here on the forums too. We’re going to ask you to do it anyways, so it gets it into the queue faster. Including a URL like you were preparing helps us get to troubleshooting the problem faster too, appreciate the forethought!

If it pops up again, feel free to ping with a reply and let us know you submitted that support ticket. I’d be very interested to see if we could pinpoint how we accidentally generated 30k pages to print.

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I just raised a ticket with the steps to replicate.

Appreciate it! I’m grabbing it and taking a look now.

The significant difference in the number of pages generated when printing from the app viewer compared to when the app is embedded on your website could be due to various factors. Without specific details about the app and its functionality, it’s challenging to pinpoint the exact cause. However, here are some potential reasons why this issue might be occurring:

  1. CSS or Styling Issues: When the app is embedded on your website, there could be CSS or styling conflicts between the app and your website’s CSS. This conflict may result in unintended page layouts or rendering, causing excessive pages to be generated during printing.

  2. Data or Content Overflow: The app’s content may be overflowing when embedded on your website, resulting in excessive pages being printed. Check if the content is displayed correctly within the app viewer and ensure it fits properly within the embedded app container on your website.

  3. Print Media Queries: The app might have specific CSS media queries for printing, which are not optimized or adjusted for the embedding scenario. These media queries could trigger unintended page breaks or layout issues when printing from the embedded app.

  4. Browser Compatibility: Different browsers might handle printing and rendering differently, especially when the app is embedded on a website. Check if the issue occurs consistently across different browsers and versions.

  5. JavaScript Interactions: The app’s JavaScript interactions might behave differently when embedded on a website, leading to unexpected behaviors during the printing process.

  6. Third-Party Libraries or APIs: If the app relies on third-party libraries or APIs, there could be compatibility issues when embedded on your website, leading to excessive pages being generated.

  7. Server-Side Configuration: If the app communicates with a server, server-side configuration issues could be affecting the printing process when the app is embedded.

To address this issue, consider the following steps:

  1. Review the CSS and styling of both the app and your website to identify any conflicts or layout issues.

  2. Check for JavaScript errors or conflicts that might be affecting the printing process.

  3. Test the app on different browsers and devices to understand if the issue is browser-specific.

  4. Ensure that the app’s print media queries are properly optimized for the embedding scenario.

  5. Verify the data and content being displayed in the app to prevent overflow or excessive pagination.

  6. If the app uses third-party libraries or APIs, verify their compatibility when embedded.

If you are unable to identify the cause or resolve the issue, consider seeking assistance from the app’s support or development team, or consult web development experts who can analyze the problem more thoroughly.

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