Preview the new Integration between Knack and QuickBooks Online!

Would you like to easily import, refresh, and report on 16 automatically-connected tables of QuickBooks data in your Knack app for flexible financial management? If so, please fill out this form.

This integration is the first feature in our Preview Program. By joining, you will have:

  • Early access to exciting new features before general release
  • Opportunity to directly impact development and help shape the product
  • Frequent feature updates during the Preview period
  • Chance to provide feedback directly to our product, design, and development teams
  • Special recognition for contributing to our program
  • Access to engage with team members and fellow Preview users in a private community

If you’re not a QuickBooks Online user, don’t worry—there will be more opportunities to participate in the near future. Stay tuned!

Kara :smiling_face:


:clap: :clap: :clap:

ps: not a QuickBooks user.


Exciting! Not a QuickBooks user, but does this mean you’re moving towards other integrations - say, for example - Salesforce? :slight_smile:


Yes, Salesforce is in our backlog (top 5)! Can you describe your use-case a bit? That would help us understand if the integration we plan to build can meet your needs, or if there would be some changes we need to consider making.

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We are currently in the planning stages for Salesforce, so I don’t have a lot of details. What I think I know:

Use Case One: We’re hoping to do a Blackthorne Events Salesforce implementation. We’d like users in Knack to be able to fetch the aggregate data about participants from the Blackthorne events - for instance, Knack User is reporting on their programmatic efforts in Knack, mostly textual data. Knack User held 3 events, for which registration went through Blackthorne. Knack User wants to select those events from within Knack and pull in total number of participants (necessary) and demographic (REGA) breakdown (ideally).

Use Case Two: Partnership tracking. Salesforce will hold information about our external partners. When Knack User reports on a programmatic effort, Knack User wants to be able to select the partners that were affiliated with that effort from within Knack.

I don’t think we’re planning to use Knack to “push” any data into Salesforce at this time, but if the integration made it easy to do so, I could see doing it that direction as well.


This is great news! I’m very happy to hear about native integration other than Stripe for payment processing.


A WooCommerce integration would be great.


Xero integration please!


Exciting to see the move to native integrations. Any plan to allow native integration between Knack Apps - e.g. to sync users and positions (and other common data) between apps.

Oh, and what else is in the top 5?


What are the others in the backlog? Surveymonkey would be awesome.

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Integrating with QB is an exciting development and I hope it is a sign of great things to come. I’m not a QB user, so I would love to see something similar for Xero. The apps for integration at the top of my list would be Zendesk, Harvest, and Slack.

Currently, I’m connecting to all of these apps and doing some integration with Knack using Make (formerly Integromat). Knack is working well for the purpose of having cross-functional reporting available (Combining Financial, Payroll, Timesheet/Billing, and Support Desk data).

There are various data warehouse solutions out there for this, but I like having it embedded in my company business processes that I manage through Knack. Also, I use several cloud-based applications for my company, but from a sustainability perspective, I try to limit the number of separate subscriptions. Even if it means upgrading a plan or two with Knack on record/api count, and having some limitations, it works out cheaper in the long run.

The next thing would be to improve the reporting/dashboarding capability within Knack if it’s used as a pseudo data warehouse. It’s pretty good with charts and pivot tables but has a long way to go compared to something like PowerBI when it comes to formatting options.

I am very keen to hear about any other integrations planned for Knack.


I would like too.


I’m pretty experienced with Knack, but, have a few questions regarding this integration.

We have everything set up in Knack to automatically create an invoice and send to stripe. I would much rather this invoice be sent to QUICKBOOKS - using the same fields and information. Does this integration allow this sharing of datao or is it just for importing?

Shoot I missed out. Have used QBO for 10+yrs and even messed with their API to connect to Coda and I Make in the past. Would like to see this happen because I hate using the QBO interface. It’s so slow and takes so many clicks. knack would be much better.

As great as native integrations are and will increase the sales potential for Knack, I am afraid it will take away resources from fixing existing bugs and introducing new core features.

The feature request list is huge and has some great requests that are not specific to users of a single app (e.g. Quikbooks). For me these are far more useful to the builder than native integrations. Or is the drive towards native integrations motivated by sales rather than core functionality…

This is wonderful news! Would love to see more automatically connected and refresh tables with other apps like Google Sheets, Excel Online, Google Data Studio, etc. Thank you!