I’m looking for a way to display my modal popup from simply hovering over a field/link in a table.
I have a “Log Notes” field/link created for just about every table in my app and it would be great if I could see at a glance the notes for that object without having to click in, and then ‘x’ out to continue looking over the table. But also have the option to click the link and still open and view the log notes more in depth.
A bonus would be if the modal popup “preview” automatically closes after I am no longer hovering.
If you haven’t found a solution yet for this, I want to share that we have a Expert Directory with our Knack partners that can assist you with the custom code that would be necessary to accomplish this.
If you’re interested, please check out our page here: Experts
Hi ,I had this issue and I found a solution. I create another TEXT FORMULA field and I put HTML for the Icon there and in the title of HTML I add the field you want to see with overlay text…
Example of the TEXT FORMULA field formula that shows long {Deal Information} field as title for mouseover over {Project ID} field with list icon:
i class=“fa fa-list-alt” style=“color:rgb(17, 142, 142);” title=“DEAL INFORMATION {Deal Information}”>{IDProject} <
Then you can use this field to display for a Link to another page column to display or edit this field in edit form on modal page.