Not logged-in user records

There is a choice to filter records connected to the logged-in user. I'd like to have a filter to select records NOT connected to the logged-in user. For example, I have a table that allows a manager to review submitted records for approval. I'd like to be able to select all records besides the logged-in user so they can't approve their own records.


I've opened a ticket about this during the beta program of the new builder and am commenting here on request of Knack Support as well. 

I hope more people follow & comment here as this option can open up a whole new area of business for us. 

anyone managed a workaround to filter records not connected to logged in user ?? 

Is there an in-built variable to refer to the logged-in user?

Agree. It would support the addition of this feature. In addition it would be nice to have an options where the builder could allow the logged in user to remove their name from a connected record field.

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Adding my vote for this feature request. =)

Adding my vote to this…