Need a feature to see the record history in the live app

I am looking for a feature to see the record history in the live app!

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Hi Asokan,

+1 for this feature.

Until this feature sees the light of day, you can make do with a workaround. You could connect a child table “Update Path” (with (i) an MC field that refers to all columns to be monitored, (ii) a “New Value” field, and (iii) an “Updated” date/time field) to the table to be monitored. When changes are made by inline editing or forms, a connected record could be inserted into the “update path”. Is this what you are looking for?

Thank you Brotz for the suggestion. Unfortunately, that will increase the record count. In my case not possible as I have more than two hundred users in my app and more number of records!

Agreed and voted - the ability to be able to see the record history from the live app would be a welcome addition. Also being able to see the login history from the live app would be extremely useful. I have raised both of these points with @Kara who is Knacks new Product Manager.


+1 for this feature

This would be fantastic to have in the front end. I often build connected records to show the history of updates in the front end, but it would be so quicker if we could access the record history that is already in the back end.

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+1 for this feature. Any update?

+1 here also. @Kara, any insight on if this is on the roadmap?