How to add AI with real-time knowledge to your app

Following on from my previous post about how to add AI to Knack app, this tutorial outlines how to power-up your app’s AI by feeding it real-time knowledge from Google.

Normally, AI functionality is limited because the AI has out-of-date knowledge. But here we overcome that problem.

This enables us to answer a range of new and exciting questions that would normally be off-limits, such as:
→ Who is the current owner of a business?
→ What is this person’s work experience?
→ What is the biggest news story of today?
→ And so much more!

Here is the tutorial:

The tutorial uses, Google Programmable Search Engine and Open AI, all linked up to a Knack app.

Let me know how you go, and what other uses you can think of for this type of integration.


Hi Callum

Thanks for posting another great example for AI.


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