I'm trying to edit the text/title that shows up when you access the password retrieval page. Ideally, I could customize more than just the text (i.e. adding menu items/buttons, etc.). But at the very least, can I edit the "Forgot Your Password?" title and "Enter your email address below and we will send you a link to reset your password." text?
Many thanks!
James, Text in ('') are to be edited
Thanks, Raju! Which text do I customize, the text in ('') or the text after //?
Hello James,
Copy following javascript into API & Code
, function(event, view, data) {
$('#knack-reset-pass div h2').html('Reset your Password');//your personalized text
$('#knack-reset-pass div p').html('Enter your email address below and we will send you a link to reset your password.');//your personalized text
with regards,