Hide some address fields on one particular form

I want to hide some Address fields and only show the Zip field on one of the forms in my App.

I found code in the css examples to hide address fields but…

How do I target one particular form and not all the forms in the App?

Hi there,

If this is for one form only, wouldn’t it be easier to remove those unwanted fields from the page manager? Click into the form, click to the unwanted fields and the trash button on top of it?



Hi @Ausy ,

Thanks for sharing your question!

How do I target one particular form and not all the forms in the App?

You can find information on that here: Identifying Elements to Change.

I hope that documentation helps. Have a great week!

You cant do that with the Address field, they are not individual. The Address field consists of 2 street fields, city, state etc… I want to use those fields elswhere in the app, so only want to hide them on one form.

Thanks for that, got it working now.

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