Help with Jira widget (Javascript)

I am trying to add a jira widget to my knack application. But the raw/native jira javascript does not seem to work in the knack application. The javascript code is:

<script data-jsd-embedded data-key="xxxxxx-dfec-xxxxxx-813d-xxxxx" data-base-url="" src=""></script>

(I added x’s to not display the key). Ideally if working properly it would display a widget on the bottom right of each page (similarly to how knack displays the help chat function in knack on the back-end) but this would be for users on the front end. Any help is appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hi, Luis!

Thank you for your engagement here in the forum!

If you don’t receive the answer you need here, please consider checking out our Knack Expert Network to see if any of our experts with Knack can help you implement this into your app. Many of our experts have experience implementing Javascript to accomplish goals that are not already possible with “out-of-the-box” features within Knack.

Best of luck and have a great week! :slight_smile: