Duplicate an Event

I have a Event table, which has a list of events, each event is owned by the person posting the event. Other people can browse and then click on “I’m Going” to be attached to the event.

Since I restrict the events that show to the current month and the future I couldn’t use the “Repeat” function, since if you created one in January for the year you can’t see if after January.

So an Account connects to (owns) an event, and the event is connected to anyone who clicks on the “I’m Going” button.

At any time the person can review all the calendar events they have created for maintenance - change dates, times, delete, etc.

What I’d like to do is give the owner of the event the ability to duplicate them, then just edit a date etc. as opposed to re-entering all the information each time. Having a weekly meeting means ~52 entries.

I created a button on the event, thinking that I could create a duplicate. But it doesn’t look like I can.

I have a few options to add connected records, but not for the event, owned by the same owner.

Any ideas how I can let someone who owns an event to be able to duplicate it with the same owner?

Hi @LeithalAgent

You can connect the object to itself. Then you can create an action that will insert a connected record to the same object. And copy field values from the current record.

More info here.


More info on the knowledge base about self referencing connections.

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Thank you! I’ve been OOO for a couple of days, but I’m excited to give this a try. Thank you again!

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