Hi Zak,
Ok that's a little more difficult. Have you figured out how to find the css selector in your apps web page?
see here
These are essentially identifiers for each element of your knack web page.... you need to find the identifier (or selector) for the link you want to make a button off and then in your Knack CSS tell it to apply the CSS the that selector
In summary, load the page with the list view in your browser and you need to right-click on the link you want to make a button off and select inspect.
A window will open with all the CSS and as you highlight different elements on your page you will see the corresponding CSS.
In my case it was field_170
So I added this css to the css window in my knack app to change a link I had to a button
.field_170 .kn-detail-body {
box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #d9fbbe;
background: rgb(127,147,68);
background: linear-gradient(171deg, rgba(127,147,68,1) 0%, rgba(159,179,102,1) 0%, rgba(203,218,156,1) 100%);
border:1px solid rgb(127,147,68);
color: white !important;
padding:6px 24px;
text-shadow:0px 1px 0px #86ae47;
Save this and reload the view and you should see a green button surrounding the link.
(you should substitute your button css between { } ...but try mine first to reduce other possible issues )
You probably do not want the actual link text in the button, so go back to the Data object and open the field and make these changes
Change CLICK HERE to whatever you want the button to say
Here is my button link 
(all dummy data)
Hope this helps.
In order to make customizations like this you need to get good at finding the right selector which can be fun and you need to know the css to apply.
I used a cheap chrome plugin called hoverify to help me identify the right selector and play with css before applying to css in Knack.
W3Schools is a super web site to learn the basic css and selector stuff
Hope this helps