Create button/action that leads to external site; list view

How do I get from here… (screenshot of app page)

to here?! (created in photoshop) using custom CSS?

I am building a jobs posting app and I want to create an “Apply for this job” button in my list view that takes users to an external site (the job applications that are not hosted in Knack, but on Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.). I want the button to be tied to the record field that will have the link information.

Job application links can be rather long, so I want to hide the long links behind an “Apply for this job” button. I already have the CSS code for the look of the button. What I need is the CSS code to properly link the information from field to page view.

I know this will need custom CSS and I am having trouble finding a solution in the forms. Any developer help is appreciated. I am clearly not one.

Hi @Samantha

I think you can do most of this without css.

  1. Add an action link to the details view.
    Trigger an Action

  2. Select the action link and edit the link text:

  3. Select redirect to another website URL

  4. Toggle the Use Custom Design Settings

  5. Select “Fill”:

  6. Select The size of the button:

  7. Edit the colours and whether you’d like rounded edges or the button to be raised:


You could use CSS to refine the button.
Hope this helps.


Hi Samantha

I’ve mis-read your request I’ll reply tomorrow with your solution.
