Complex record addition

Firstly thanks to Nicolas & Oliver for posting code examples and being of the belief we'll all benefit here's a working example building on Nicolas' simple record copy here

Scenario: Estimates with Estimate Items (one-many) are built using a complex Billing System -> Estimate Template -> Estimate template items structure that allow users to select a template for their estimate and have the estimate items inserted ready for modification. This replicates a tried and tested system built in Access and users love it.

So here's the Javascript code example complete with possible inefficiencies from a Javascript newbie (feedback welcome):

$(document).on('knack-record-create.view_167', function(event, view, record) {


var KnackAppID = “XXXX”
var KnackAPIKey= “YYYY”

var EstimateID = []
var Estimate = record
var EstimateTemplateID = record.field_207_raw[0].id
var BillingSystemID = record.field_208_raw[0].id

var api_url = ‘’; // api access to EstimateTemplateitems
var filters = [{field: ‘field_222’, operator: ‘is’, value: EstimateTemplateID}]
api_url += ‘?filters=’ + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filters));

//Get EstimateTemplateItems
$.ajax({url: api_url, type: "GET",
headers: {"X-Knack-Application-Id": KnackAppID, "X-Knack-REST-API-Key":KnackAPIKey},
success: function(data) { //alert('Records Retrieved!' + data.total_records);
//Loop through data, build newdata and insert new record into EstimateItems
for(var i = 0; i < data.total_records; i++) {
  var newdata = {
      	field_163: data.records[i].field_198,				//Text
      	field_165: i + 1,							//Order
      	field_170: data.records[i].field_200_raw[0].id,		//Billing item Connection
      	field_172: data.records[i].field_201,				//Hourly Rate
      	field_173: data.records[i].field_202,				//Hours
      	field_179: BillingSystemID,					//Billing System
      	field_210: EstimateID						//Estimate
  //Add data to EstimateItems
      	url: "",
      	type: "POST",
      	headers: {"X-Knack-Application-Id": KnackAppID, "X-Knack-REST-API-Key":KnackAPIKey},
      	data: newdata,
      	//success: function(response) {alert('Records Added!');}


Hi Brad,

I am trying to replicate this to a similar scneario but for some reason the records going into Object 15 all get added with field 92 (which should be copied from field 1) blank.

here's the adapted from above:

$(document).on('knack-record-create.view_86', function(event, view, record) {


var KnackAppID = "xxx"
var KnackAPIKey = "xxxx"

//Get Customer
$.ajax({url: '', type: "GET",
headers: {"X-Knack-Application-Id": KnackAppID, "X-Knack-REST-API-Key":KnackAPIKey},
success: function (data) { //alert('Records Retrieved!' + data.total_records);

//Loop through data, build newdata and insert new record into Customer Group
for (var i = 0; i < data.total_records; i++) {
var newdata = {
field_99: i + 1,
field_92: data.records[i].field_1_raw[0].id, //Customer connection
field_97: record.field_97


//Add data to CustomerGroup
url: "",
type: "POST",
headers: {'X-Knack-Application-Id': 'xxxx', 'X-Knack-REST-API-Key':'xxx'},
data: newdata,
//success: function(response) {alert('Records Added!');}