Allow Users to Choose Object Data in Outbound Email

I made up a method for allowing end users to choose which data to include in an outbound email. The method is complicated but very flexible for the end user.

  1. Make a multiple choice field that I call Include Data to allow users to choose what data to add (example choices: Event Name, Event Date, Event Time, etc.)
  2. Make the chooser a dropdown that allows multiple selections.
  3. For each piece of data to be shared, make a short text field called "Chosen [field name]" without the quotes (as in Chosen Event Date).
  4. Use a Conditional Value on each chosen field to say: When: Include Data contains Event Date > Set > Chosen Event Date to a record value of Event Date.
  5. Use a second Conditional Value on each chosen field to say: When: Include Data does not contains Event Date > Set > Chosen Date to a custom value of [blank].
  6. In the outbound email add each of the Chosen fields in the subject or the body where appropriate.