Advanced Function Fields

all the math functions that come with Excel would be very useful.  like 4^3 (4 to the 3 power) etc.  Also conditionals like if statements in those equations... 


IF [field 1] = 1 then X, else Y

AVG(Field1, Field2, field 3, etc)

Case (

    Field 1 = 1 then X,

    Field 1 = 2 then Y)



I would really appreciate having the ability to retrieve only the day of the week like 'Monday', as I am currently building a weekly scheduler for a customer.


A Rank function would be helpful. Basically, the ability to have a calculated field that assigns a rank to a list based on the sort order of the selected field.

In other words, given a field of Scores of 100, 98, 97, 94, 92, 88 the calculated field would assign ranks of 1 - 6 respectively.

Also - may want to consider the option to decide how to deal with ties. (IE ranking by all positions above the current value vs ranking by DISCRETE values above the current value).

In other words, given 100, 98, 98, 97, 94, 92 the first option would rank: 1,2,2,4,5,6 and the second (DISCRETE) option would rank 1,2,2,3,4,5.

I would absolutely love more functionality for "calendar" dates - e.g. dates that have a start time and an end time.

For example, I want to be able to override the end date entered by the user, and set it to be a specified number of days after the start date. Also, the ability to have a calculated field that refers to the duration between two dates would be fantastic. E.g. the duration between 1/1/2015 would be 1, the duration between 1/1/2015 and 1/2/2015 would be 2 etc

I guess just look at the standard function allowed in MySQL or MS SQL and mimic any and all that make sense. And that really goes for just about anything in Knack. The beauty of Knack IMO is the development UI.  I'd much rather pick and configure than code. And maybe for some features/functions make them part of "Advanced Options",

Excellent plan. What about

  • string functions (left, right, mid, len) which comes handy on truncating or extracting text
  • date equation with months date type (eq. 1 January + 2 months = 1 March) - Great to calculate due date for multiple monthly payments
  • ability to set rule on formula (i.e. use different formula based on value of a particular field) - similar with add rules to set field values

Nice. this would be lovely. What about adding date functions like nextDay(#number,#DayName) #number being count and #DayName being weekDay?

I would also favor a “Year” function that extracted just the year from a full date.


Support the dat functions mentioned, and I’d add ‘day of week’ to the list - I.e. Tuesday returned from a date.


Hi Brandon, 


I suggest 

- "end of month" date function  eg, endofmonth (15th jan 2015) = 31 jan 2015. This is useful for billing purpose in standard European terms to calculate invoices due dates.

- "Month" date function eg, month( 15th jan 205) = January. this is useful for reporting data.